We know here at Hog Roast Beckwithshaw we can’t alter the weather (we wish we could) but it never stops us from giving our customers the best experience and an even better taste experience. We were hired to cater for an outdoor learning event, James wanted all his staff to work as a group better together so he knew that they should do some trust exercises. With thirty members of staff ready to take part in abseiling, bungee jumping, skiing and more, they started the weekend excitedly. James knew that after a busy day, his members of staff would surely be hungry, and when he checked online, he knew that Hog Roast Beckwithshaw would be the perfect people to cater for his team.
When he heard all about our Classic Hog Roast menu from our team at the Head Office, James knew that was the menu for him. James was impressed with how our team got to action and how quickly everything was booked and prepared for the big event. He surely knew that his team were in safe hands when it came to amazing food.
Hog Roast Beckwithshaw set the gazebo up right next to the lodge where the team had been staying during their busy weekend. We started preparing the pig by rubbing the 30kg pig with salt and making sure to score it so the crackling was extra crispy. Whilst James’s team started packing ready to leave their amazing weekend, and prepare for the weather outside, James’s announced he had one last surprise waiting outside.
As soon as the doors opened his team could smell the pig roasting away and they saw our team all waiting eagerly to serve them with brimming full bread rolls and fresh salads.
The team were so excited that they could fill their empty stomachs with pulled pork, homemade coleslaw, stuffing and salty crispy crackling. It truly did wrap up an amazing weekend.