Enjoy The Bank Holiday At Your Pub With Catering From Hog Roast Cragg Vale

Bank holidays are perfect for spending the day in the sunshine, and what better place to do so than in a pub beer garden? To bring even more customers to your establishment, why not hire Hog Roast Cragg Vale to Continue reading Enjoy The Bank Holiday At Your Pub With Catering From Hog Roast Cragg Vale

Can’t Find A Wedding Caterer Still? Come Talk To Hog Roast Yorkshire at Chevin Country Park Wedding Fair!

At Hog Roast Yorkshire we know how difficult it is to fill in every detail on a wedding event, never mind to pick the right caterer with the right kind of dining for something as big and centrally important as Continue reading Can’t Find A Wedding Caterer Still? Come Talk To Hog Roast Yorkshire at Chevin Country Park Wedding Fair!

Hog Roast Midgley – BBQ Weather Is On The Horizon!

The days are getting lighter and longer, the rain is becoming less frequent, and the temperatures are slowly but surely beginning to rise, which for us foodies can only mean one thing: BBQ weather is near! If you’re desperate to Continue reading Hog Roast Midgley – BBQ Weather Is On The Horizon!

Welcome 2023 with your community thanks to Hog Roast Cragg Vale catering

To mark the beginning of 2023, why not enjoy a delicious meal with your local community at a town hall or community centre? At Hog Roast Cragg Vale, we have a variety of different menus that are ideal for this Continue reading Welcome 2023 with your community thanks to Hog Roast Cragg Vale catering

Hog Roast Pocklington – Catering Your Every Business Need in 2023

As 2023 arrives it is time to get the work diaries or calendars back out and start structuring the coming year for your business. A successful business is all about planning, so there is no better time to lay out Continue reading Hog Roast Pocklington – Catering Your Every Business Need in 2023

Festive Feasts to the Office This December with Hog Roast Bulmer

Have you planned your Christmas staff party too late? Calling up restaurants and bars but finding everywhere is fully booked? Can’t find a consensus pick among your staff for where to go? Then not to worry, why not just do Continue reading Festive Feasts to the Office This December with Hog Roast Bulmer

Work Lunch Taken Care Of with Hog Roast Middleton

As we approach the end of the year your office might be looking for that extra motivator to get to Christmas where we can all enjoy a little well needed time off. And of course your office might be in Continue reading Work Lunch Taken Care Of with Hog Roast Middleton

From toffee apples to hog roasts – Bonfire Night wouldn’t be the same without its culinary traditions

We have been celebrating Bonfire Night since 1606. Whilst the true reason behind the celebration may be a little strange and even a bit controversial, it is a longstanding tradition unique to the British Isles that involves the coming together Continue reading From toffee apples to hog roasts – Bonfire Night wouldn’t be the same without its culinary traditions